T O L L - F R E E : 8 0 0 - 4 1 1 - 6 9 0 6
L U B B O C K, T E X A S : 8 0 6 - 7 4 8 - 1 1 2 0
F O R T W O R T H, T E X A S : 8 1 7 - 5 8 9 - 9 9 9 8
S E R V I C E S, I N C.
DOT - Business - Personal
Drug and Alcohol Testing since 1995
Information to Help ACS Serve You
Print and Fill in the Blanks
Click on any of the forms below to download.
You may need to click "Enable Editing" to format the form.
Print the form you need.
Complete the form. Call 800-411-6906 to talk to a friendly ACS representative if you have questions. We're here to help!
Fax or email the form (806-748-7096 or mail@alliedcompliance.com).
ACS will take care of the rest.
Client Information Form - This information allows ACS to generate your account. You may also use this form to update us when your address or company contact changes.
Background Applicant Information Form and Release - Remember, your employee's signature is required before a background check may be processed.
Activate and Inactivate Form - ACS needs to know when you hire or terminate your employees so your account is always in compliance. There's a place for your John Hancock on the form too.
Test Authorization Form - CLINICS - This information authorizes testing for your employees around the country. Please be sure to send us the completed form so we can report your test result efficiently.
Test Authorization Form - LUBBOCK - This information authorizes testing for your employees at our Lubbock office. Please be sure to send us the completed form so we can report your test result efficiently.
Test Authorization Form - HURST - This information authorizes testing for your employees at our Hurst office. Please be sure to send us the completed form so we can report your test result efficiently.